Bible kralická - Dt 4,35.39; 6,4; 32,39
Notice: Undefined index: af in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Notice: Undefined index: at in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Notice: Undefined index: af in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Notice: Undefined index: at in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Notice: Undefined index: af in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Notice: Undefined index: at in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Notice: Undefined index: af in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Notice: Undefined index: at in
/var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
/var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line
Dt 4,35 Toběť jest to ukázáno, abys věděl, že Hospodin jest Bůh, a že není jiného kromě něho.
Dt 4,39 Věziž tedy dnes a obnov to v srdci svém, že Hospodin jest Bůh na nebi svrchu i na zemi dole, a není žádného jiného.
Dt 6,4 Slyš, Izraeli, Hospodin Bůh náš, Hospodin jeden jest.
Dt 32,39 Pohleďtež již aspoň, že já jsem, já jsem sám, a že není Boha kromě mne. Já mohu usmrtiti i obživiti, já raniti i uzdraviti, a není žádného, kdo by vytrhl z ruky mé.