Bible kralická - L 8,26.27.29

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 639

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 640

Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 639

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 640

Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 528

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 567

Notice: Undefined variable: uo in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 480

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 528

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 567

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 41

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 65

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 68

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 639

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 640

Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165
L 8,26 I plavili se do krajiny Gadarenské, kteráž jest proti Galilei.
L 8,27 A když z lodí vystoupil na zemi, potkal jej muž jeden z města, kterýž měl ďábelství od mnoha časů, a rouchem se neodíval, ani v domu býval, ale v hrobích.
L 8,29 Nebo přikazoval duchu nečistému, aby vyšel z toho člověka. Po mnohé zajisté časy jím lomcoval, a býval ukován řetězy a v poutech ostříhán, ale on polámal okovy a býval od ďábelství puzen na poušť.