Bible kralická - Zj 6,3.5

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 639

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 640

Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 528

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 531

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 567

Notice: Undefined variable: uo in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 590

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 41

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 65

Notice: Undefined index: (kral.) in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 68

Notice: Undefined index: af in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 639

Notice: Undefined index: at in /var/www/evangnet-include-beta/ on line 640

Warning: Use of undefined constant f - assumed 'f' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165

Warning: Use of undefined constant t - assumed 't' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/evangnet-beta/bible.php on line 165
Zj 6,3 A když otevřel pečet druhou, slyšel jsem druhé zvíře, řkoucí: Pojď a viz.
Zj 6,5 A když otevřel pečet třetí, slyšel jsem třetí zvíře, řkoucí: Pojď a viz. I pohleděl jsem, a aj, kůň vraný, a ten, jenž na něm seděl, měl váhu v ruce své.